
IMG_5784_2.JPGFIMS Education Commission meets in Istanbul

The FIMS Education Commission held their annual meeting in Istanbul, Turkey, on 19th June 2015. The Turkish Sports Medicine Association kindly hosted the meeting of the Commission. FIMS President Prof. Pigozzi welcomed the members to the meeting and gave them a brief update on FIMS activities. Dr Ergen and Prof. Pigozzi thanked Dr Ulkar, the President of the Turkish SMA, and Dr Ergün, the 2016 FIMS World Congress Scientific Commission co-chair, for their hospitality. The FIMS Scientific Commission Chair Prof. Webborn was appointed as the Chair of 2016 FIMS World Congress Scientific Committee and participated in the Commission’s discussion on the congress objectives and programme.

During the meeting, the plan for the Education Commission activities 2014-2018 term was discussed. The main topic was the future concept and organisation of FIMS Courses to tailor it to the needs of today’s sports medicine community.

On 20th June 2015, the Commission members visited the Harbiye Cultural Centre and Military Museum, the venue for the 34th FIMS World Sports Medicine Congress to be held in Istanbul, Turkey, from 29 September - 2 October 2016 .