

1000 Surgical Masks donated by the FIMS CCSM in Beijing and Chinese Association of Sports Medicine CASM to the International Federation of Sports Medicine

FIMS is pleased to inform all the Member National Associations and Collaborating Centers of Sports Medicine that 1000 surgical masks have been donated to the International Sports Medicine Federation by the CCSM FIMS in Beijing and the Chinese Sports Medicine Association - CASM. The masks will be distributed to the FIMS Member National Associations and to the Collaborating Centers of Sports Medicine that would request them and partly offered to the FIMS neighbour organizations domiciled at the Maison du Sport (FIMS Headquarters) that may need them.

Interested Institutions are invited to request the masks to headquarters-ch@fims.org as soon as possible before stocks run out. For further clarity regarding their use, we specify that are surgical masks and not single-use respirators FFP2 and FFP3.

The International Federation of Sports Medicine FIMS would like to express its warmest thanks to the Vice President Prof. Guoping Li, and to the Member of the Interfederal Commission Prof. Zhan Hui for this charitable initiative.



The International Federation of Sports Medicine is monitoring carefully the situation with the evolution of the Corona-Virus related events in order to get best information through the leading Health and Sports authorities around the world about the development of the situation, in order to contribute to the constant update of the world Sports Medicine Community.
To this respect, please rest assured that FIMS will continue to do what is in the best interests and safety of all our Members.

Please find below:The link to the WHO advice:




The link to the Position Statement of COPAMEDE on Exercise, Sports and COVID-19
