Chapter I: Designation and Purpose of FIMS
1: Non-Profit Organization
2: Legal Status
3: Headquarters
4: Repre-sentation
5: Composition
6: Purpose
7: Aims
Chapter II: Composition of FIMS
8: Membership
9: National Associations
10: Honorary Members
11: Individual Members
12: Associate Members
13: Loss of Status
14: Continental Associations
Chapter III: Administrative Structure of FIMS
15: Bodies of FIMS
16: Council of Delegates
17:Executive Committee
18: Bureau
19: World Congress
20: Standing Commissions
21:Financial Structure
22: Annual Dues
23: FIMS Awards
24: Liability
25: Official Language
CHAPTER I. Designation and Purpose of FIMS
Article 01: FIMS - Fédération Internationale de Médecine du Sport is a non-profit organization founded at St. Moritz (Switzerland) in 1928 and recognized by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) since 1952.
Article 02: FIMS is an association governed by Swiss Law, in particular by articles 60 and following of the Swiss Civil Code. Membership is not contingent on an individual’s sex, race, color, nation, language, religion or any political or philosophical belief or practice,social origin, property, birth or other status.
Article 03: The headquarters of FIMS shall be in Lausanne,Switzerland.
Article 04: FIMS represents Sports Medicine world-wide.
Article 05: FIMS is composed of no more than one national association per country representing Sports Medicine on the national level (Member National Associations)and of individual persons (Individual Members, Honorary Members, and Associate Members). Member National Associations are grouped into Continental Associations according to their geographical location.
Article 06: The purpose of FIMS is to serve as the representative international body of Sports Medicine and related fields, to promote, develop and disseminate Sports Medicine research, evidence-based clinical Sports Medicine and education throughout the world.
Article 07: To achieve this purpose, FIMS aims to:
- Be represented in other organizations in the Olympic Movement as far as sport medical issues are discussed.
- Organize and/or sponsor scientific and educational meetings, courses, and congresses on an international basis in the field of Sports Medicine.
- Study scientifically the normal and pathological implications of physical activity, training and sports participation, including optimization of population health through sports and exercise.
- Promote research and education against Doping and Substance Abuse.
- Publish scientific information in Sports Medicine and related fields.
- Take other such steps either alone or in cooperation with appropriate individuals or organizations as shall from time to time be determined likely to further the purposes above.
CHAPTER II. Composition of FIMS
Article 08: The membership of FIMS shall include National Associations of Sports Medicine and Honorary Members, Individual Members, and Associate Members. Deserving individual or Associate Members may be awarded to Fellowship of FIMS.
Article 09: National Associations of Sports Medicine.
09.01. The Council of Delegates shall admit to membership the National Association(not more than one from each country), which is recognized as representing the interests of Sports Medicine in each country
09.02. Where two or more organizations in any country claim recognition as the National Assoeiation of that country, it shall be at the discretion of the Couneil of Delegates to determine, after due consideration, based on the documentation and other information available, which, if any, shall be recognized.
09.03. The Applicant National Association must submit for consideration by the Executive Committee the following documents before the petition can be presented to the Council of Delegates:
- Application in writing signed by the President and, if applicable, the Secretary General or another duly authorized representative of the National Association.
- Copy of the Statutes of the Association.
- List of Officers of the Association with their titles.
- Total number of members in each category of membership.
- Letter of recommendation attesting the fact that the applicant Association is the representative Sports Medicine organization in that country from one of the following bodies: National Medical Association, National Olympic Committee, or National Ministry of Health.
- Letter of recommendation from the respective FIMS Continental Association.
09.04. Member National Associations shall forward to the Secretariat of FIMS, in the event of changes, a revised copy of their institutional document, a current list of their officers, and the total numbers of their members in each category of membership.
09.05. Member National Associations shall forfeit their status as a member of FIMS:
- As a result of a formal resignation in writing by the association being duly received by the Executive Committee.
- As a result of non-payment of dues for four consecutive years. An application for reinstatement will not be entertained by the Executive Committee until the arrears are paid.
- As a result of revocation of membership by a recommendation of the ExecutiveCommittee for that action.
Article 10: Honorary Members.
10.01. The Honorary President is elected among individuals who have served as FIMS President, exceptionally contributing to the development of Sports Medicine worldwide.
When the position is vacant, nomination may be made by a FIMS Continental Association to the Council of Delegates for election at the next regular meeting.
The Honorary President will have, for life or until personal inability or resignation, the right:
- To participate in the FIMS Executive Committee, Council of Delegates, and World Congress of Sports Medicine without the right to vote.
- To pay no dues to FIMS.
- To receive all electronic publications from FIMS, and receive FIMS member discounts on Congresses, courses and books.
10.02. Individuals who have made exceptional contributions to the development of Sports Medicine may be elected to Honorary Membership. Nomination shall be made by the Member National Associations or other interested bodies to the Executive Committee who may then recommend the nominees to the Council of Dele-gates for election at the next regular meeting. A Nomination that is not recommended by the Executive Committee or, having been recommended to the Council of Delegates fails election, may be made again after an interval of four years from the time that the original nomination was received.
The Honorary Member is entitled to:
- earn a diploma indicating honorary status.
- participate in the FIMS Council of Delegates and World Congress of Sports Med-icine without the right to vote.
- to pay no dues to FIMS.
Article 11: Individual Members
a) Individual Membership is granted by the Executive Committee on request to a person who:
- is a full member of a FIMS National Association where one exists, or is a physician with an unrestricted medical license, who has completed a FIMS Basic or Advanced Course in Sports Medicine recognized by the Education Commission, or has worked as sport physician for at least 5 years.
b) An Individual Member is entitled to:
- receive a FIMS certificate confirming the status of FIMS Individual Member.
- be elected for the Executive Committee, Standing or Special Commissions,
- and to represent its Member National Association in the Council of Delegates if delegated by the respective member National Association.
- receive a reduction in the registration fee for FIMS sponsored congresses and courses.
- receive all electronic publications from FIMS, and receive FIMS member discounts on Congresses, courses and books.
- An Individual Member may be advanced to Fellow of FIMS (FFIMS) by the Executive Committee. Nomination for FFIMS may be made by the respective Member National Association, or by the Executive Committee.
A Fellow of FIMS is entitled to all rights of Individual Members and will receive a FIMS certificate confirming the status of Fellow of FIMS.
Article 12: Associate Members.
Associate Membership may be granted by a vote of the Executive Committee on request to a non-physician sports medicine professional who:
- Is a member of the respective FIMS Member National Association where one exists;
- Or has completed a FIMS Basic or Advanced Course in Sports Medicine recognized by the Education Commission, or has worked in the field of Sports Medicine at least for 5 years.
An Associate Member is entitled to:
- Receive a FIMS certificate confirming the status of FIMS Associate Member.
- Receive all electronic publications from FIMS, and receive FIMS member discounts on Congresses, courses and books.
Article 13: Individual and Associate Members shall lose their status as a Member of FIMS in the following situations:
- As a result of a formal resignation in writing by the individual being duly received by the Executive Committee;
- In case of personal inability;
- As a result of failure to pay dues for two consecutive years;
- As a result of revocation of membership by a two-thirds majority of the Council of Delegates present and following a recommendation of the Executive Committee for that action.
Article 14: Continental Associations in Sports Medicine.
- The creation of a new Continental Association of Sports Medicine must be agreed to by the Council of Delegates upon request of the countries wishing to organize it and the approval of the FIMS Executive Committee.
- Each Continental Association of Sports Medicine automatically includes all FIMS Member National Associations of the respective continent.
- The aims of Continental Associations of Sports Medicine are to realize the purpose of FIMS on the continental level as well as to organize on their continent specific activities in the field of Sports Medicine in the appropriate areas such as promotion of participation in FIMS, organization of regional conferences and courses, issuing of regional journals, and ensuring a permanent exchange of information.
CHAPTER III. Administrative Structure of FIMS
Article 15: The following bodies make up FIMS:
- The Council of Delegates,
- The Executive Committee,
- The Bureau.
Article 16: The Council of Delegates.
16.01. The business of the Council of Delegates shall be conducted under procedural principles and rules of Swiss Law.
16.02. Any Member National Association may appoint a delegate of another Member National Association to represent it in the Council of Delegates. The proxy must be provided with a written power of the respective President/Secretary General previously addressed to the Secretary General of FIMS. A delegate present in the meeting may not have more than one proxy.
16.03. The Members of the Executive Committee are entitled to debate in the Council of Delegates but may not vote, unless they represent a Member National Association.
16.04. The Council shall meet every 2 years at the time and place of the FIMS World Congress. All Member National Associations must be notified of the time, place, and agenda of the meeting 3 months in advance. The host Member National Association is responsible for the local cost of the meeting and of the full board of theExecutive Committee members as well as the Chairpersons and Full Members of each Standing Commission.
16.05. Special meetings of the Council may be called at the initiative of the Executive Committee (by a vote of the majority of the members) or shall be called if there is a re-quest by two-thirds of the Member National Associations to the Secretary General. All Member National Associations must be notified of the time, place, and agenda of the meeting at the earliest convenience and at the latest four weeks before its start.
16.06. A quorum shall consist of one-third of the total number of the Member National Associations in good standing. If there is no quorum, the meeting shall start half an hour later and no quorum will be needed.
16.07. The Council of Delegates shall rule by a simple majority of delegates voting(including proxies), except when it is to amend the articles of the Statutes, or to dis-solve the organization, or to expel one of its members, in which case a two-thirds majority of those voting is necessary.
16.08. The deliberations of the Council of Delegates shall be recorded in the form of minutesin a ledger kept for this purpose. These minutes shall be circulated to the Member National Associations together with the agenda for the next Couneil meeting.
16.09. All matters of business which are not assigned to the Council of Delegates by the Statutes of FIMS shall fall within the jurisdiction of the Executive Committee. The Council of Delegates shall be the only body competent to conduct the following business:
- Approve the biannual budget of FIMS.
- Approve the affiliation of an applicant National Association as Member following approval by the Executive Committee.
- Recognize a new Continental Association of Sports Medicine following approval by the Executive Committee.
- Elect the Officers and other members of the Executive Committee (including substitute members as well as Scrutineers and Auditors). The Council of Delegate selects the Honorary President, if nominated by a FIMS Continental Association, and Honorary Members, if recommended by the Executive Committee.
- Approve the awards of a FIMS Gold Medal and of a FIMS Citation of Honor, when recommended by the Executive Committee.
- Expel Member National Associations, Individual or Associate Members; or dissolve Continental Associations.
- Approve, amend or alter the Statutes.
- Receive and approve reports of the officers and chairpersons of the Standing Commissions.
- Determine what other organizations shall be recognized by FIMS as having an active interest and/or involvement in Sports Medicine for the purpose of affiliation or other official contact.
- Determine the site and date of the World Congress of Sports Medicine.
- All other business that the Council shall from time to time reserve to itself.
Article 17.The Executive Committee.
17.01. The Executive Committee constitutes the Board of Directors in the sense of article 69 of the Swiss Civil Code. It is composed of a President, a first, second, third, and fourth Vice President, a Secretary General, a Treasurer and eight members who have been elected from among FIMS Member National Association Members.
The Executive Committee upon proposal of the President can coopt representatives of International Organizations and members with special tasks as members without the right to vote.
17.02. Elections of the Executive Committee:
- The Council of Delegates in the FIMS World Congress of Sports Medicine will hold elections every four years, for all positions of the Executive Committee, except the Honorary President.
- Candidates shall be nominated only by their Member National Assoeiations. No Member National Assoeiation may nominate more than one candidate for member of the Executive Committee. Nominations will be presented to the FIMS Secretary Generai, with a copy sent to the Secretary Generai of the respective Continental Association.
- A candidate for President, Vice-President, Secretary General, or Treasurer of FIMS (Officers of FIMS) shall be a physician supported by the respective Continental Association.
- A candidate for Officer who is not successful is entitled to be a candidate for election as Member of the Executive Committee.
- If the result of any ballot for Officer results in a tie, additional ballots will take place until the tie is resolved. If three additional ballots still result in a tie, the draw will decide.
- The number of Members of the Executive Committee from each Continental Association will be proportional to the number of Member National Associations affiliated with FIMS from the respective Continental Association in good standing at the time of election. Following the ballot for the 8 elected Members of the Executive Committee, nominees with the highest numbers of votes per Continental Association shall be so named. If there is a tie among the final position(s) per Continental Association, a new ballot will be held for these candidates only. If three additional ballots still result in a tie, the draw will decide.
- The two candidates who have the highest number of votes after those who are elected will be appointed Auditors and named Substitutes. These Substitutes shall replace elected Members of the Executive Committee if vacancies arise, and complete the term of the Member being replaced. If a vacancy occurs among the Officers, the Executive Committee shall elect one of its Members to the office for the balance of the unexpired term and that Member shall be re-placed by the first Substitute.
- To participate in a meeting of the Council of Delegates and have the right to vote, a Member National Association must have the membership dues for the current fiscal year and all previous years of membership paid in full no later than the beginning of the FIMS Council of Delegates meeting at which an election will take place.
- A Iist of Member National Assoeiations eligible to participate in and vote at a meeting of the Council of Delegates must be made available to each Delegate of a FIMS Member National Association at the beginning of the meeting at which an election will be held.
- Each Member National Association eligible to participate in and vote at a meeting of the Council of Delegates may designate one person to serve as its Delegate. To become accredited as the official Delegate of a Member National Association for a particular meeting of the Council of Delegates, that person must present type written authorization to the Secretary General of FIMS identifying the personas its Delegate. The authorization must be presented on the official letter head stationery of the Member National Association and signed either by its President or other officer designated by the President.
- The designated Delegate of an eligible Member National Assoeiation is the only person permitted to vote on behalf of that Member National Association, except as below in Artide 17.02.11 and 17.02.12.
- A Member National Association in good standing that is not able to send a Delegate to a meeting of the Council of Delegates may be represented by the accredited Delegate of another Member National Association. Both Member National Associations must be eligible to participate as regards completion of payment of annual dues.
- To grant proxy, a Member National Association must submit to the Secretary General an official FIMS Proxy Form signed by its President or Secretary General, if applicable. On the form, the specified Member National Association to receive the proxy must be identified. Only the accredited Delegate of the Member National Association receiving the proxy may use this proxy vote. A proxy form will be induded with each announcement of a meeting of the Council of Delegates as distributed to all Member National Associations by the Secretary General. An accredited Delegate is entitled to use only one proxy vote in addition to the vote of the Delegate's own Member National Association.
- Preparation for FIMS election:
- Nominations must be received from Member National Associations at least two months in advance of the meeting of the Council of Delegates at which the election will be held.
- The ballot of the nominations must be circulated, together with biographical in-formation on each candidate, at least one month in advance of the election.
- Accreditation of Delegates: Each sheet of the official ballot must carry the official stamp of FIMS and be co-signed for validation in the voting procedure by the Secretary General and one Member of the Executive Committee, as appointed by the President.
- Order of voting:
- Separate elections will be held by roll call in the following order:
The President
The Vice Presidents
The Secretary General
The Treasurer
The eight Members of the Executive Committee. - If a candidate is running unopposed for the office of President, Secretary General or Treasurer, the election to that office may be accomplished by the Council’s approval of a motion from the floor.
- The order of seniority as First Vice President, Second Vice President, Third Vice President, and Fourth Vice President is determined by the number of votes achieved.
- The ballot for the category of elected Members of the Executive Committee will list the candidates in alphabetical order by first letter of the family name.
- Procedure for voting for each office:
- Three Election Auditors will be elected from the Delegates of the Council of Delegates to receive and count the ballots. If more than three persons are nominated, an election will be held.
- When the agenda item for elections is reached during the meeting of the Council of Delegates, the President shall hand over the direction of the election to the longest affiliated member of the Executive Committee, who is not running for a position. This person shall solicit ballots for the election of Officers and Members of the Executive Committee in the order prescribed above.
- For the collection of ballots for each of the elected positions, the name of each Member National Association given the privilege of voting (both those with Delegates present and those represented by proxy) shall be read in alphabetical order, at which time the Delegate of the Member National Association or the Delegate carrying the proxy shall come forward and place the ballot in a closed ballot box.
- The Election Auditors will control that only one ballot at a time is placed in the ballot box and that the ballot carries the official stamp of FIMS and the signature of the Secretary General and the appointed Member of the Executive Committee.
- The votes for each of the elected positions will be tallied separately and publicly in front of the members of the Council of Delegates by the Election Auditors.
- A presentation method such as a blackboard, whiteboard or computer projector must be available for this purpose that can be viewed by all the members of the Council of Delegates.
17.03. The Executive Committee shall meet at least twice annually to transact the business of FIMS except for that reserved exclusively for the Council of Delegates, to receive and respond to reports from the officers and the chairpersons of the Standing Commissions, and to carry out programs and policies approved by the Council of Delegates. The date and place of such meetings will be decided by the Executive Committee and notices sent to all members at least 3 months in advance. An agenda of business to be discussed will be then circulated at least one month in advance. Any member who fails to attend three consecutive meetings shall forfeit the office or membership in the Executive Committee.
17.04. Between the meetings of the Council of Delegates, it is the responsibility of the Executive Committee:
- To administer the affairs of FIMS.
- To transact the business which is not reserved exclusively for the Council of Delegates.
- To select and supervise the Standing Commissions, receiving and acting on their reports.
- To decide the dates, venue, and agenda for the meeting of the Council of Delegates as well as ensure that the necessary preparations are made.
- To implement the decisions of the Council of Delegates.
- To approve Individual and Associate Members of FIMS.
- To examine the applications of National Associations and make recommendations regarding their acceptance or rejection to the Council of Delegates.
- To approve the request of countries organized on continental bases to form a new Continental Association of Sports Medicine.
- To recommend the appointments of Honorary Members and the awards of the FIMS Gold Medal and the FIMS Citation of Honor to the Council of Delegates.
- To approve the advancement of Individual or Associate Members to Fellows of FIMS
- To approve the contract with the Member National Association entrusted with the staging of the World Congress of Sports Medicine and to supervise regularly its preparation.
- To consider the recommendation of the Standing Commissions regarding the scheduling, programs, and faculties for congresses and conferences to be sponsored by FIMS and to supervise the preparation and conducting of such events.
- To review and take action on the minutes of the meeting of the Bureau.
- To recommend the award of the FIMS Gold Medal or the FIMS Citation of Honor following consideration of nominations by the Awards Committee and receipt of the Committee’s endorsement.
- To approve, amend or alter by-laws.
17.05.Exceptional events
- In case of occurrence of events or circumstances of an exceptional nature which are outside of the FIMS's control (such as terrorism, riot, civil unrest, war (regardless of whether declared or not), strike, nuclear, chemical or other contamination, epidemic, sanctions imposed by the UN Security Council), compromising the safe and/or regular conduct of FIMS's activities, the Executive Committee may decide to impose exceptional protective measures aimed at preserving the safe, peaceful and regular conduct of the FIMS's activities in accordance with the FIMS's objectives.
- Protective measures may include, without limitation, the temporary suspension of:
- a) the exercise of rights of FIMS Member National Associations representing countries that caused or contributed to or are otherwise relevantly involved in the event or circumstances; and/or
- b) persons who are affiliated to the FIMS Members referred to above and/or citizens of the concerned countries, to the extent they are participating in the FIMS's activities; or
- c) the removal of a FIMS Congress and cancellation of the respective contract, as well as
- d) any other measure that the FIMS Executive Committee deems appropriate and justified in light of the nature and circumstances of the event and which does not interfere with the powers of the Council of Delegates.
- Protective measures, as issued or modified from time to time, may be upheld by the Executive Committee as required by the circumstances. They must be lifted, partially or totally, as soon as reasonably practicable in view of the evolution of the circumstances having led to the issuance of the measures.
- In case any protective measure imposed is still in place at the time of the next FIMS Council of Delegates such Council of Delegates shall decide whether the measures shall be upheld.
17.06.The President shall be the representative of FIMS and responsible for the international relations of the organization. The President’s special functions include:
- Presiding over all the meetings of the Council of Delegates, Bureau, Executive Committee, and World Congress of Sports Medicine.
- Maintaining contact between FIMS and other international organizations, in particular the IOC, ASOIF, AWOIF, and WADA.
- Signing together with the Secretary General any document that commits FIMS, after approval by the Executive Committee.
- Referring to the Executive Committee a written report of FIMS activities to be submitted to the Council of Delegates.
- Presenting the FIMS awards.
- Fulfilling further tasks connected with FIMS activities according to the Statutes, By-Laws, and decisions of the Council of Delegates.
17.07. The 4 Vice-Presidents shall assume in the order of their precedence the place and duties of the President in her/his absence or if requested by her/ him to do so. As far as not substituting the President the First Vice-President will act as Controlling Person.
17.08. The Secretary General is responsible for:
- Preparing the agenda for the meetings of the Council of Delegates, after decision of the Executive Committee, as well as the meetings of the Executive Committee and the Bureau, on request of the President, and circulating notice of these meetings in advance.
- Preparing and circulating minutes of the meetings of the Council of Delegates, the Executive Committee, and the Bureau of FIMS.
- Maintaining official correspondence.
- Supervising the maintenance of the FIMS Website.
17.09. The Treasurer is responsible for:
- Keeping the financial accounts of FIMS and submitting them to internal and external auditing.
- Preparing a detailed account and balance sheet for the pre-ceding period which she/he shall submit to the Executive Committee and to the Auditors for each of their meetings.
- Keeping a register of the Member National Associations, Fellows and other Individual and Associate Members , notifying them at appropriate intervals of their required membership dues, and collecting these dues.
- Preparing an annual budget for the Executive Committee and a biannual budget for the Council of Delegates.
17.10. The two Auditors and/or an auditing office recognized by Swiss law will review the financial account presented to them by the Treasurer and give a report of their review to the Executive Committee and the Council of Delegates. This auditing office will organize the Dedaration form for the tax office . It will be signed by the Treasurer and the President.
Article 18. The Bureau.
18.01.The Bureau is composed of the President, the Secretary General, the Treasurer and the First Vice-President. In case all members of the Bureau belong to the same continent, the next Vice-President by precedence representing another continent shall be included as further member of the Bureau.
18.02. The Bureau shall meet at least twice annually. The President shall preside at the meetings of the Bureau. If she/he is unable to do so, the First Vice-Presidents shall take her/his place.18.03.The decisions of the Bureau must be ratified by the Executive Committee at the next subsequent meeting.
Article 19. The World Congress of Sports Medicine.
19.01. A World Congress of Sports Medicine will be held every 2 years. The Secretary General will inform the Member National Associations about the necessary conditions for staging this Congress and ask that proposals be submitted at least 3 years prior to the projected date of the next Congress. The Executive Committee will review the received proposals and recommend to the Council of Delegates the site and date for their approval at their meeting at least 2 years before the designated date.
19.02. The Member National Association in the country selected shall assume full responsibility for the planning and financial support of all pertinent arrangements for the Congress.
19.03. The President of FIMS shall be the President ex-officio of the World Congress of Sports Medicine.
19.04. The secretariat of the Congress shall be established and maintained by the sponsoring Member National Association.
19.05. The decision regarding the city that will hold the FIMS World Congress shall be made by the Council of Delegates by simple majority of votes. After the decision of the Council of Delegates as to where the next World Congress will be held, the President and the Secretary General of FIMS shall sign a contract with the representatives of the concerned Member National Association. This contract may include provisions being more favorable for FIMS than the provisions provided by these Statutes and the FIMS Bye-laws. In such case the provisions of the contract shall be applied and implemented.
Article 20. The Standing Commissions.
20.01. The Executive Committee is supported by Standing Commissions.
20.02. Each Standing Commission consists of FIMS Fellows and other Individual or Associate Members and is composed as:
- A chairperson designated by the Executive Committee who directs the activities of the Commission and reports to the Executive Committee and Council of Delegates, with the right to attend both meetings without the right to vote.
- Up to four Members designated by the Executive Committee from nominations submitted by Member National Associations after considering recommendations of the Commission chairperson.
- Appointed Executive Committee members.
- Corresponding members.
- Observers nominated by appropriate international organizations.
- Temporary members, co-opted ad hoc, for particular purposes.
20.03. The working period for a Standing Commission is 4 years.
20.04. A chairperson shall give rise to a record of meetings to be kept with the help of one Secretary and circulate it to the Commission membership, the FIMS President, and the FIMS Secretary General.
20.05. A Standing Commission:
- Reports directly to the Executive Committee which alone shall endorse policy.
- Shall not have executive responsibility except where specific tasks are delegated to it by the Executive Committee.
20.06. The Standing Commissions are:
- Scientific
- Interfederal
- Education
- Development.
20.07.The Scientific Commission.
The aims of the Scientific Commission are:
- To promote scientific research in the field of Sports Medicine.
- To prepare statements regarding specific problems in Sports Medicine proposed by the Executive Committee.
- To cooperate with the organizers of the FIMS World Congress of Sports Medicine as well as with the organizers of other international scientific events sponsored by FIMS, especially as regards the choice of topics, invited lecturers, chairpersons of sessions, and publication of proceedings.
- To cooperate with the Editor of the Official Journal of FIMS to ensure the required scientific level of published contributions.
20.08. The Interfederal Medical Commission.
The aims of the Interfederal Medical Commission are:
- To study, from a medical point of view, relevant issues and operational problems related to sports activity submitted by the Executive Committee.
- To promote and propose scientific research in cooperation with the other Standing FIMS Commissions concerned regarding the medical aspects of sports activity in a form that can be suitably understood by officers, physicians, paramedic staff, coaches and athletes.
- To organize meetings of physicians linked to International Sports Federations and National Olympic Committees for the exchange of information on Sports Medicine, in conjunction with the Education Commission.
20.09. The Education Commission.
The aims of the Education Commission are:
- To provide educational opportunities that meet the needs of sports medicine physicians and allied health professionals in both developing and developed countries with the goal of developing both leadership and mentorship.
- To assist the local organizers of FIMS Courses, such as the Team Physician Development Course, Team Physician Advanced Course, Sports Rehabilitation Course, and others, with the course organization, implementation, and evaluation/review process.
- To provide advice and make recommendations to the Executive Committee on matters related to sports medicine education for medical and allied health professionals.
- To cooperate with the organizers of the FIMS World Congress of Sports Medicine as well as with the organizers of other international educational events sponsored by FIMS to ensure that FIMS educational goals are optimally addressed.
20.10. The Development Commission.
The aims of the Development Commission are:
- To deal with and to suggest recommendations to the Executive Committee on matters related to communication, promotional activities, memberships, marketing activities of FIMS;
- In conjunction with the Secretary General, the Development Commission will:
- facilitate and enhance cooperation with other International Organizations related to sports medicine as defined by the Executive Committee;
- assist in the maintenance of effective communication with national bodies, individual persons, and associated organizations through acquisition and collection of materials for FIMS publications;
- enhance contacts with international organizations and institutions of non-medical professions related to the field of sports medicine;
- develop the strategic plan for FIMS.
- In conjunction with the Treasurer, the Development Commission will:
- increase awareness and promote benefits of Individual membership and Fellowship of FIMS;
- develop strategies for the maintenance and monitoring of effective member-ship services;
- assist the Executive Committee in the implementation of procedures associated with the granting of Individual and Associate Membership, if so re-quested;
- operate in close cooperation with the Continental Presidents in setting-up support programs for new members;
- expand the business activities of FIMS by generating revenues for the use of the FIMS image and expertise through negotiating contracts with sponsors ,partners and suppliers;
- develop and recommend to the Executive Committee other FIMS marketing and promotion activity.
Article 21. Financial Structure.
21.01. The capital of FIMS is derived from annual membership dues of the Member National Associations and Individual as well as Associate Members, including Fellows, administrative fees of Courses and FIMS Congresses, donations, legacies, sponsorships and subsidies.
21.02. The Treasurer shall be in charge of financial operations and shall be supervised by two Auditors appointed for 4-year terms by the Council of Delegates.
21.03. The Treasurer shall submit a report on the current status of the FIMS account at each meeting of the Executive Committee and a report covering the time from the previous Council of Delegates to each meeting of the Council of Delegates. The report to the Council of Delegates shall be certified by the Auditors or an auditing office recognized by Swiss law.
21.04. Any transfer of budgetary credits or any expenditure must be approved bythe Executive Committee.
21.05. FIMS is responsible for:
- the administrative expenses of the Secretary General,
- the expenses of the President in connection with her/his administrative functions,
- the administrative expenses of the Treasurer and the Chairpersons of the Standing Commissions,
- membership fees to international organizations to which FIMS belongs.
21.06. The expenses involved in attending meetings of the Council of Delegates, Bureau, Executive Committee, and Standing Commissions are the responsibility of individual members or of the Member National Association to which each member belongs.
21.07. The financial year of FIMS begins on January 1st and terminates on December 31st of the same year as it is approved by the tax declaration by Swiss law.
21.08. In the event of dissolution of FIMS, the funds shall be allotted to one or more organizations in the field of Sports Medicine in accordance with Swiss law.
Article 22. Annual Dues.
22.01. The annual dues shall be paid by each Member National Association, as well as by each Individual or Associate Member in Swiss Francs according to the amount established by the Council of Delegates and specified in the By-Laws.
22.02. Waiting Member National Associations shall pay annually a service subscription established by the Council of Delegates and specified in the By - Laws.
22.03. Only Member National Associations who have paid their dues and are not in arrears in relation to the previous fiscal year have voting privileges.
22.04. Only Fellows of FIMS and Individual Members who have paid their dues and are not in arrears in relation to the previous fiscal year may be elected for the Executive Committee. Only under such condition they and Associate Members can be appointed for the Standing Commissions.
Article 23. FIMS Awards.
23.01. A FIMS Gold Medal may be awarded to an individual who has demonstrated exceptionally outstanding leadership which has resulted in sports medicine advancement of international dimension and importance. A FIMS Citation of Honor may be awarded to an individual who has made outstanding contributions to sports medicine in one or more of the following categories: research in sports medicine and the sports sciences, scholarly activity and publication in sports medicine and the sports sciences, medical care of athletes, regional and / or national leadership, or service to FIMS.
23.02. Nominations for an award will be referred to the Awards Committee. Following review of credentials and discussion of the rationale for the nomination, the Awards Committee will make its recommendation to the Executive Committee which, by official action, will approve the award case of “Gold Medal” whereas in case of “Citation of Honor”, will forward the nomination to the Council of Delegates which will have the power to approve the recommendation and make the award.
23.03. The FIMS Awards Committee shall consist of five members of the Executive Committee, one member of which will be a Vice President and four will be other members of the Executive Committee. The Vice-President will serve as the chair-person.
Article 24. Liability.
24.01. FIMS shall recognize and acknowledge its responsibility towards third parties only by documents signed jointly by the President and the Secretary General.
24.02. The members of the Executive Committee, the Officers, the Member National Associations, the Honorary, Individual, and Associate Members, as well as the members of the Council of Delegates, shall be exempt from any personal liability as far as the commitments undertaken by FIMS are concerned. Such commitments are guaranteed solely by the assets of FIMS.
Article 25. Official Language.
25.01. The official language of FIMS is English.
25.02. For the purpose of international meetings held under the patronage of FIMS, the French, Spanish, German, and Russian languages, together with the language of the host country, may be used in addition to English at the discretion of the organizing body.
Article 26. Date of entry into force.
26.01. These Statutes and any amendment or alteration thereto enter into force im-mediately upon their approval unless expressly decided otherwise.