Chapter I: Designation and Purpose of FIMS

3: Official Address

Chapter II: Composition of FIMS

9: National Associations

Chapter III: Administrative Structure of FIMS

16: Council of Delegates

17: Executive Committee

18: Bureau

19: World Congress

21: Financial Structure

 22: Annual Dues

23: FIMS Awards

26: Entry into Force

CHAPTER I : Designation and Purpose of FIMS

Article 03. Address of FIMS.

03.01. The official address of FIMS shall be at La Maison du Sport International(MSI), Av. Rhodanie, 54, 1007 Lausanne, Switzerland. All correspondence shall be sent to the FIMS’ official address.

CHAPTER II : Composition of FIMS

Article 09. Member National Associations.

09.01. Each applicant National Association shall, in the event of failure of the Executive Committee to recommend them for membership, have the right to a personal hearing of its application before the Council of Delegates.

09.02. National Associations applying for membership in FIMS shall be admitted to waiting membership by the Executive Committee once they have satisfied the requirements specified in Chapter II, Article 09.03 of the Statutes, pending election by the Council of Delegates. 

09.03. As waiting members, they may participate in the activities of FIMS and will receive all official communications to Member National Associations but shall have no vote in the Council of Delegates and may not present nominations for the Executive Committee, nor for a Standing Commission. 

09.04. Each Member National Association shall have only one representative entitled to vote on behalf of that Association in the Council of Delegates. 

09.05. Before the commencement of each session of the Council, each Member National Association shall give notice in writing to the Secretary General of FIMS of the identity of its delegate.

CHAPTER III : Administrative Structure of FIMS

Article 16. The Council of Delegates.

16.01. The business of the Council of Delegates shall be conducted under procedural principles
Consequence of legai seat of FIMS in Switzerland and rules of Swiss Law.

Article 17. The Executive Committee.

17.01. Decisions of the Executive Committee shall be valid, if at least 50 % of the voting members are present. Any voting member of the Executive Committee may propose a motion. If it is seconded by another voting member, a vote will be taken following discussion to accept or reject the motion. A simple majority will decide the result. If one third or more of the voting members present agree to request it, the voting shall be by secret ballot.

17.02.  The meetings of the Executive Committee are private. Experts, advisors, and/or other interested persons may be present as observers or consultants far the whole or a portion of these meetings with the approval of the Executive Committee and may participate in the discussions if invited to do so. They may be asked to withdraw if the majority of the Executive Committee votes that the subsequent proceedings shall be private.

17.03. The Executive Committee shall act as the Supervisory Board of the Official Journal of FIMS.

17.08. The Treasurer will be empowered to act in any financial transactions for FIMS. An alternative person from the Executive Committee shall be appointed by the Executive to act as her/his authorized representative..

Article 18. The Bureau.

18.01. The rules of procedure for the Executive Committee apply to the meetings of the Bureau.

Article 19. The World Congress of Sports Medicine.

19.01. Candidatures to organize the World Congress of Sports Medicine must be presented by a Member National Association whose membership is currently effective. Each must be accompanied by an official document from the National Government of the Member National Association ensuring the necessary cooperation for holding the Congress, including the issuance of any necessary visas for participants and a guarantee that prospective participants from all countries who wish to attend and are properly registered to do so will encounter no difficulties in being ad-mitted to the event or in leaving the country after their attendance. They must also be accompanied by a detailed proposal concerning the physical and financial arrangements for the Congress and a declaration that the candidate Member National Association will respect the Statutes and By-Laws of FIMS.

19.02. If the Executive Committee considers it necessary to have an inspection of the proposed venue for the Congress in any candidature prior to the meeting of the Council of Delegates at which the decision on the site is to be made, the candidate Associations shall pay the costs of travel and full board for the inspecting maximum2 FIMS representatives.

19.03. The Association organizing the Congress shall pay the travel cost and full board for the FIMS President or her/his delegated officer and the Chairperson of the Scientific Commission to attend the meetings of the Organizing Committee of the Congress as it may be appropriate and necessary for them to do so.

19.04. The theme for the World Congress shall be proposed by the Organizing Committee and approved by the Executive Committee of FIMS upon recommendation of the Scientific Commission.

19.05. The President and the Secretary General on behalf of the Executive Committee sign a contract with the Congress organizing Member National Association specifying the details and obligations of the organizing Member National Association

19.06. Invitations to take part in the World Congress must be dispatched by the Organizing Committee at least 18 months before the Congress. The text of the invitation must include the statement that free communication will be welcomed and provide in-formation as to how and when the abstract forms may be obtained and the last date by which these abstracts must be received in order to decide whether or not presentation at the Congress will be accepted. Invitations must be addressed to:

  1. Member National Associations and Continental Associations.
  2. Honorary, Individual, and Associate Members, including FIMS Fellows.
  3. International Associations which have an active interest and involvement of their members in Sports Medicine.
  4. National Olympic Committees.
  5. International Sports Federations.

19.07. The program of the World Congress shall include invited speakers and free communications. All speakers, whether invited or not, will be required to submit abstracts to the Organizing Committee. The Organizing Committee shall establish an Editorial Committee to receive the abstracts and, in conjunction with the Scientific Commission, to prepare them for publication. The cost of publication shall be assumed by the Organizing Committee. 

19.08. The Organizing Committee of the World Congress shall pay to FIMS for the conduct of the Congress the conformity fee of 30.000,00 CHF. The Organizing Committee shall waive the registration fee and shall pay full board accommodation for the following groups: FIMS Executive Committee (minimum four nights), FIMS Commissions Members (minimum three nights), Invited speakers, Honor Guests, Staff (mini-mum three nights) and Official Delegates of the Council (minimum two nights).

19.09. The Organizing Committee of the World Congress shall provide meeting rooms, necessary staff, and equipment for the meeting of the Executive Committee, the Council of Delegates and the Standing Commissions, as well as a temporary office for the FIMS Executive Committee as close as possible to the Secretariat of the Congress. 

19.10. At the World Congress, simultaneous translation of presentations shall beprovided in English, and may be provided in French, Spanish, German, and Russianor another language as mutually agreed from time to time by both the ExecutiveCommittee and the Organizing Committee.

Article 21. Financial Structure.

21.01. The Treasurer may be empowered by the Executive Committee to reimburse each member of the Bureau and of the Executive Committee CHF 200.00 for attendance at each meeting for the purpose of helping to defray expenses.

Article 22. Annual Dues.

22.01. Annual dues shall be established for each Member National Organization according to the number of its members in the following amounts: 

  • For the year 2025:

Up to 100 CHF 150.00
100 to 500 CHF 300.00
500 to 1000 CHF 450.00
1000 to 2000 CHF 600.00
2000 and over CHF 750.00

  • For the year 2026:

Up to 100 CHF 175.00
100 to 500 CHF 350.00
500 to 1000 CHF 525.00
1000 to 2000 CHF 700.00
2000 and over CHF 875.00

  • For the year 2027:

Up to 100 CHF 200.00
100 to 500 CHF 400.00
500 to 1000 CHF 600.00
1000 to 2000 CHF 800.00
2000 and over CHF 1000.00

22.02. Waiting Member National Associations shall pay a service fee of CHF 100.00. 

22.03. Individual Members and Associate Members shall pay CHF 60.00 annually;CHF 100.00 biennially. Fellows will pay CHF 200,00 annually.

Article 23. FIMS Awards.

23.01. Nomination for FIMS awards can be accomplished by means of one of two mechanisms:

  1. by action of the highest executive body of a Member National Association of FIMS presented on that organization’s official letterhead and signed by the organization’s president or other authorized representative.
  2. by action of three or more members of FIMS Executive Committee following con-sultation with the Member National Association of which the nominee is currentlya member in good standing.

23.02. The procedure for nomination will involve the submission to the FIMS Executive Committee of the following:

  1. a letter of nomination citing the specific rationale for the nomination and present-ing background information about the nominee and
  2. a copy of the nominee’s curriculum vitae.

Following receipt of the nomination materials, a review will be conducted by the FIMS Awards Committee and, if there is a positive consensus, a recommendation will be forwarded to the FIMS Executive Committee for official action.

23.03. The Awards Committee shall be elected by the Executive Committee from among its members .

Article 26. Date of entry into force.

26.01. These By-laws and any amendment or alteration thereto enter into force im-mediately upon their approval unless expressly decided otherwise.


Opening Ceremony of the FIMS CCSM Coordination Headquarters

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