Medicina dello Sport - Panathleticon srl - Brescia - Italy
Panathleticon Sports Medicine Centre - Panathleticon Srl Medicina dello Sport
PANATHLETICON is a Collaborative Centre of the Italian Federation Sports Medicine (FMSI), of the International Federation of Sports Medicine (FIMS) and of the School of Specialization in Sports Medicine, University of Brescia, Italy.
Panathleticon is one of the main centres in Northeast Italy for sports medicine and medical assistance for all sports clubs and athletes, from Olympic to amateur and recreational level. We are also a point of reference for the athletes of the Italian Paralympic Committee and of the University Sports Committee. The main activity of the Centre consists of the conduction of all clinical tests for the in Italy compulsory Pre- Participation Examination (PPE) for athletes on a yearly basis, including medical screening for all those intending to engage in competitive and non-competitive sport; further accident and illness prevention and trauma assistance for amateur and professional athletes.
In addition, a specific laboratory for functional and biomechanical evaluation (analysis of sports-related posture, movement, performance and potential need for alterations with three-dimensional imaging and electromyography) is operating. We conduct tests both in the laboratory and on the field and provide services in sports nutrition as well as forensic and insurance medicine. Furthermore, we undertake research and education projects in close collaboration with various Italian national and regional bodies, universities and research institutes.
The medical assessments within the PPE for sports medicine certification and research studies are conducted by a pool of specialists in sports medicine and other sectors such as cardiology (including specialists and equipment for second-level examinations), ophthalmology, otorhinolaryngology and neurology, both for additional tests and specialist assistance as required.
Professor Arsenio Veicsteinas describes his objectives for the FIMS Collaborating Centre network: “As a Professor of Physiology at the University of Brescia and Milan, PhD in Sports Medicine, I strongly believe that all collaborative centres should use a similar protocol during the Pre-Participation Examination, considering the specific national protocol that is compulsory, at least in Italy. This would allow a “common language”, making our FIMS CCSM network very strong with respect to research calls and to epidemiological studies at European level.”
Panathleticon Srl Medicina dello Sport – 25124 Brescia, Aldo Moro Str. 14
Director: Prof. Arsenio Veicsteinas
Tel.: +39 335 814 9982
E-mail :
Contact: Tina Bettoni
Phone +39 030 2429612