Istituto di Medicina dello Sport di Milano Srl - Milano - Italy
Milan Institute of Sports Medicine - Istituto di Medicina dello Sport di Milano
At the Milan Institute of Sports Medicine, our main goals are to promote health and to prevent injury and disease during exercise among athletes and individuals engaging in sporting activities.
We perform the clinical tests for compulsory pre-participation examination (PPE), on a yearly basis, in accordance with the Italian law of 1982 and its amendments. Currently, in Italy, almost all people involved in exercise of any type, about 20 million individuals of all ages, must undergo a PPE every year. Opened in 1983, our centre has acquired vast experience with thousands of individuals, and we believe that such experience could be useful in developing a common procedure for all FIMS CCSM centres. Our institute offers a whole range of preventive medicine, not only pre-participation screening for athletes, but also for the general population of Milan, with a special emphasis on diet education, training advice, and metabolic diseases. Moreover, our institute has developed and offers different programmes in: cardiac screening and rehabilitation, metabolic diseases, orthopaedics screening and rehabilitation, and injury prevention. We believe that our goal would be to collaborate in programming proper training for athletes as well as in enabling patients with chronic stable diseases to improve their health through exercise and to reduce their drug consumption. We are also able to conduct continuous monitoring of the effects of training. In the laboratory, we employ modern protocols and instrumentation to reduce traumatic events, overtraining and decreased performance in athletes, and to avoid harmful effects in patients. We also work with universities and the Italian National Olympic Committee to produce epidemiological studies and experimental and clinical research.
Director Dr Maurizio Casasco says: "We want to work together to develop common protocols for pre-participation examination of all individuals of all ages engaging in all sporting activities, including those with chronic stable diseases. Such protocols should be sport-specific and exercise-specific in order to ensure full prevention and protection and guarantee the maximum health benefits."
Your contact person at the centre:
Barbara Satta
Tel. +39 02 7395 2822; +39 02 7395 4024
Milan Institute of Sports Medicine
Via G.B. Piranesi 46, 20137- Milan, Italy;
Phone +39 0273952822 +39 02 7395 4024;