Centre for Exercise Science and Sports Medicine, University of the Witwatersrand - Johannesburg - South Africa

Centre for Exercise Science and Sports Medicine, University of the Witwatersrand - Johannesburg - South Africa

Contact: Demitri Constantinou
Email: demitri.constantinou@wits.ac.za
City: Johannesburg
Country: South Africa
Continent: AFRICA

Centre for Exercise Science and Sports Medicine 

The Centre for Exercise Science and Sports Medicine (CESSM), in its function as a FIMS Collaborating Centre of Sports Medicine is committed to the promotion of sports medicine and the broad discipline of sports and exercise medicine in a number of areas, including: education of students and professionals, injury prevention and best practice injury and illness management,  athlete wellbeing and periodic health assessments, chronic disease rehabilitation, doping in sport, and the promotion of healthy lifestyles-  amongst all people both able bodied and those with disabilities. Research in these areas amongst staff and students is promoted. The CESSM is supported by sports medicine practitioners, and also allied healthcare practitioners in disciplines such as biokinetics (rehabilitation specialists) physiotherapy, podiatry, optometry/sports vision, sports psychology, dietetics. 

Director Prof. Demitri Constantinou: "We aim to enhance our knowledge, skills and research in sports medicine amongst staff and students, and to expand this with other CCSM’s. We aim to contribute to the vision of FIMS to those who would benefit in our geographic continental region, and beyond."

Contact details:

Prof. Demitri Constantinou
Centre for Exercise Science and Sports Medicine
University of the Witwatersrand
Physical address: Wits Education Campus, 27 St Andrews Road, Parktown, Johannesburg, 2193
Postal address: Wits Medical School, York Road, Wits, 2050, South Africa
Tel+27 11 717 3372



Opening Ceremony of the FIMS CCSM Coordination Headquarters

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