
The deadlines for applications for the CCSM are 31st of March and 30th of September 2024.

Who may apply?

Applications are invited from institutions / organizations with demonstrated leadership in sport medicine locally, regionally, nationally and internationally and active collaborations in clinical work, education and research with a stress on developing.

The applicant key contact must currently be a FIMS member in good standing and supported by their FIMS member organization (National Sports Medicine Organization).

A FIMS member organization can support more than one application at a time and/or a shared application of different centres. All centres must be supported by only the National FIMS member organization. A country may have more than one FIMS-CCSM.

How to apply?

FIMS invites applications to become a FIMS-CCSM at any time. The following review and decision deadlines apply:

  1. Evaluation of submitted applications by Review Committee September-October
  2. Recommendation to FIMS Executive Committee second week of October
  3. Decision by FIMS Executive Committee at autumn meeting
  4. Information of applicants November
  5. Announcement on FIMS website end of November
  6. Designation is awarded for four years after which a reapplication may be submitted.

Download here

Download: Application Form

Download: Application Checklist

Fill it out and send it back to


Opening Ceremony of the FIMS CCSM Coordination Headquarters

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