Message From The President
Dear Colleagues, dear Friends,
I am honoured to have been elected President of the International Federation of Sports Medicine, and I would like to warmly greet all of you - physicians and professionals - belonging to the FIMS Member National Associations from the different continents.
I am proud to be able to serve as President of a great organisation because of what I see as its virtues and values and how important these are to the role of our Federation in the present and future. Three of the values that I would like to focus on are: credibility, integrity and honesty in all the professional, scientific and educational activities promoted by FIMS. These universal qualities provide the foundation on which to build the profession and the mission of the sports physician. It is with these values and virtues that FIMS can reach out, not just to the sports medicine community, but also to the global sports world.
Over the past years the International Federation of Sports Medicine has grown in reliability thanks to its efforts in disseminating the principles of motivation, performance, and the health aspects of all people engaged in sport and physical activity. As we all know, sport includes all forms of human movement aimed to express, maintain or improve physical fitness and performance, as well as mental well-being. Sport is also part of the creation or improvement of social relationships in leisure, competition, the enhancement of health maintenance, and in the prevention and treatment of different diseases.
In this context, our work also has to address the protection of the athletes' health, so that they may safely compete in sporting events, and to fight against doping in sport.
The International Federation of Sports Medicine intends to assume a greater role in strengthening the relationship within the sports, scientific and medical communities, thanks to our strong liaison with existing leading international bodies whose representatives have been co-opted into positions on our Executive Committee.
My personal good wishes go to the newly elected Executive Members to keep on doing the good work done so far.
Thank you.
Prof. Fabio Pigozzi M.D.
FIMS President